Dear visitor

The main purpose of this website is to share the knowledge that is obtained with others. A purpose of this site is also the description of my collection as a reference. The study of the subject is one of the aspects of collecting arms that gives most satisfaction. Things will be forgotten sooner or later, unless documented.


I always try my very best to only publish correct information. If, however, you find any inaccuracies on this website please contact me so I may rectify them. I would also like to invite you to share any interesting related technical and/or historical information, and will always respond to questions about the subject of this website.




Jan van Gelderen

The Netherlands

I am a member of:

Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars (VNW)

Prins Hendrikstraat 15-D

3071 LG Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Edouard de Beaumont (EdB)

Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bevordering en Instandhouding van Wapenverzamelingen
Staniasingel 29
9062 GL Oentsjerk 
The Netherlands

Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bestudering van Munitie en Ballistiek (NVBMB)

Karolusgulden 24
2353 TA 
The Netherlands

Koninklijke Nederlandse Schietsport Associatie (KNSA)

Postbus 303
3830 AJ Leusden
The Netherlands

About the photos in the banner 

Colorised by Julius Backman Jääskeläinen -  Website


In chrological order:

  • Four German soldiers with gas masks, a flare pistol, and armed with Model 1898 rifles posing for photgraph in the trenches, c.1916.
  • Battle of Albert. British troops armed with  Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE) rifles, blinded by gas, assisting each other to the dressing station at Croisilles, France 21 August 1918.
  • Two Dutch army soldiers armed with M.95 Mannlicher rifles, at the trenches during the battle of the Grebbeberg, The Netherlands, May 1940.
  • German Gebirgsjägers armed with Gewehr K98 advancing with tank support of a Panzer I Ausf. B towards Soviet positions, Jelettijärvi, Loukhsky District, Karelia, 15 May 1942.
  • Troops of the Eight-Nation Alliance (except Russia) that fought against the Boxer Rebellion in China, 1900. From the left: Britain, United States, Russia, India, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Japan. 
  • Swedish soldiers from the Gotland Infantry Regiment (I 27) armed with Gevär m/96 (Model 1896 Rifle) while on guard duty along the coast, Gotland, Sweden c.1915.