I am the author of the following publications,
Instrumentmaker W.B.A. Günther
"Instrument maker W.B.A. Günther", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2019".
The Cartridge Factory at Dordrecht rediscovered
"The Cartridge Factory at Dordrecht rediscovered", Dutch language only. The "N.V. Nederlandse Patronen-, Slaghoedjes- en Metaalwarenfabriek Dordrecht" was a Dutch pre WW-II sister of the Austrian "Hirtenberger Patronen-, Zündhütchen- und Metallwarenfabrik" (an ammunition factory). Published in "SAM Wapenmagazine, Nr. 218 Winter 2019", Pulishing house: SAM Wapenmagazine BV Postbus 446 6800 AK Arnhem, The Netherlands.
(Size: 1.10 MB).
"The ammunition factory at Dordrecht, Volume 1: The factory site", Dutch language only. Published in "Flow Talk, Nr. 82 - Winter 2018", Flow Talk is the staff magazine of KROHNE Altometer, Production facility Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (Size: 496 kB).
"The ammunition factory at Dordrecht, Volume 2: The orders", Dutch language only. Published in "Flow Talk, Nr. 83 - Spring 2019". Flow Talk is the staff magazine of KROHNE Altometer, Production facility Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (Size: 504 kB).
Weihrauch Sportwaffenfabrik
"Weihrauch Sporting Arms, Volume 1: True love never grows old", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2018". (Size: 1.19 MB).
"Weihrauch Sporting Arms, Volume 2: Weihrauch revisited, trigger mechanism", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr1 / 2019". (Size: 694 kB).
Flobert cartridges
"Flobert cartridges, Volume 1: More than juist a percussion cap", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr2 / 2017". (Size: 1.23 MB).
"Flobert cartridges, Volume 2: Small volume rim fire cartridges", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr3 / 2017". (Size: 1.21 MB).
The Dutch M95 in German service in the Great War
"The Dutch M95 in German service during the First World War", Dutch language only. Published in "SAM Wapenmagazine, Nr. 186 December 2013", Pulishing house: SAM Wapenmagazine BV Postbus 446 6800 AK Arnhem, The Netherlands. (Size: 620 kB).
"Kurze Beschreibung der an Ersatztruppen und Rekrutendepots verausgabten fremdlandischen Gewehre" With the courtesy of Wolfgang Meyer, Germany. This Prussian user manual of foreign rifles that were captured by the Germans, that was printed in 1915, is discussed in "The Dutch M95 in German service during the First World War". German language only. (Size: 3.08 MB)
The Dutch 6,5 x 53,5R in German service
"The Dutch 6,5 x 53,5R in German service, Volume 1", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bestudering van Munitie en Ballistiek" (Dutch Association for the study of Ammunition and Ballistics) "NVBMB Nr14 / 2013". (Size: 710 kB).
"The Dutch 6,5 x 53,5R in German service, Volume 2", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bestudering van Munitie en Ballistiek" (Dutch Association for the study of Ammunition and Ballistics) "NVBMB Nr15 / 2013". (Size: 393 kB).
"The Dutch 6,5 x 53,5R in German service, Volume 3", Dutch language only. This final volume was published in the magazine of the "Nederlandse Vereniging ter Bestudering van Munitie en Ballistiek" (Dutch Association for the study of Ammunition and Ballistics) "NVBMB Nr16 / 2013". (Size: 756 kB).
Louis Nicolas Auguste Flobert tells
"Louis Nicolas Auguste Flobert tells, Volume 1: The father of modern target shooting", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr1 / 2010". (Size: 630 kB)
"Louis Nicolas Auguste Flobert tells, Volume 2: The Ordnance Select Committee", Dutch language only. This final volume was published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr2 / 2010". (Size: 1.10 MB)
The text of "Louis Nicolas Auguste Flobert tells" was originally written bij the Paris gunmaker Flobert himself. I translated the text from the French language into the Dutch language. With the courtesy of Allain Daubresse of website "http://www.littlegun.be" http://www.littlegun.be who has made the original document available. French language only. (Size: 2.99 MB)
Sir. Joseph Whitworth
"Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Volume 1: The Pandrau Pipe Pouch", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr1 / 2008". Translated title: (Size: 501 kB)
"For rifle corps to be armed with the Whitworth Rifle" - "Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Volume 1: The Pandrau Pipe Pouch" is partly based on this old document that is part of the Report & Experiment Book of Arms, Ammunition &c. WO 140/2 Jan 1862 to Oct. 1887" of the School of Musketry at Hyte, England. (Size: 544 kB
"Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Volume 2: The machine manufacturer", Dutch language only. Partial published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2008", under the title: "Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Deel 2: Het Whitworth concept". (Size: 534 kB)
"Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Volume 3, The fire arms constructor", Dutch language only. Volume 3 and 4 are combined and partially published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2008" under the title: "Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Deel 2: Het Whitworth concept". (Size: 784 kB)
"Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Volume 4, The Enfield-Whitworth P1863 rifle", Dutch language only. Volume 3 and 4 are combined and partially published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2008" under the title: "Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Deel 2: Het Whitworth concept". (Size: 547 kB)
"Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Volume 5, The long range match rifle", Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr1 / 2009" under the title: "Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Deel 3: Het lange afstand wedstrijdgeweer". (Size: 484 kB)
"Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Volume 6, The origin of the Whitworth concept", Dutch language only. This final volume is partial published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr2 / 2009" under the title: "Sir. Joseph Whitworth, Deel 4: De oorsprong van het Whitworth concept". (Size: 1.17 MB)
The pistol of aunt Teuntje
"The pistol of aunt Teuntje". Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2006". (Size: 392 kB)
The development of the military Martini-Henry
"The development of the military Martini-Henry, Volume 1: The price competition". Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2005". (Size: 1.72 MB)
"The development of the military Martini-Henry, Volume 2: The design". Dutch language only. Published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr1 / 2006". (Size: 1.14 MB)
"The development of the military Martini-Henry, Volume 3: Criticism". Dutch language only. This final volume is published in the magazine of the "Vereniging van Nederlandse Wapenverzamelaars" (Association of Dutch gun collectors) "Wapenfeiten Nr4 / 2006" and "Wapenfeiten Nr1 / 2007". (Size: 1.44 MB)
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